hai u olls.
selamat menyambut hari raya lah ye.
bulan syawal ni semoga byk la jemputan ke rumah terbuka, since 1 rumah pun aku tak g.
the main point sokmo lari.
actually, td tgk album lame kt fb.
great stalker katekan.
day to week week to month rindu membuak buak.
kt sape?
kt diorg.
diorg la.
seriously, i think i've change.
sometimes rse mcm "hey, i'm not me!i want myself back!"
tak pun kan, aku je yg paranoid bak kate cik farah,
farah, tbe aku tringat yg bile aku sakit je aku rse ade org buat vodoo la kt aku.
hahaha.bangang gilaa tak matang.
part aku paling suke meredah hujan petir balik umah kau.
great memorable moment.
tak, part kutuk org la.
tak, part balik skolah jln kaki laju2.
tak, eh, byk sangat part la weeh.
p.s : i miss the old good times.
haha, first knl emi cemane ntah.
tp ade psl dvd.
then selalu plak dtg umh ptg2 mnempel minum ptg.
mrepek sakan
then, cakap kt pali, pali, aku dh berubah la kan.
pali ckp aku touching lebeh.
yela tu kot.
thanks for the baju!
actually, we just don't know when we change, how we change and do we really change?
until the day that u meet someone and hang out with that person, u will find some changes inthatpersonself.
luaran je nmpak lain.
tp hati tetap same.
trust me.
i am me.
i amstill the same person that will always love and miss you all.
p.s.: thanks for reading~