Friday, October 9, 2009

all that i ever wanted to have...!

welcome to my next just want to talk about the things that i want the most in the world..ever...!besides the other!could i mention them here?its too many....well,kdg2 ak terfikir adakah ak dpt kehendak ak itu spenuhnye??sblm ak memejam mte mninggalkan dunie??hmmm...impossible is nothing rite?haha..just kne usehe je sume about the things that i ever wanted to have this time....can u look at the pic..??there la..<<know what the hell is that rite? is d-slr camera..i mean digital slr camera..a kind of thing that i really2 want wif all my heart...first of all, if i can get that thing..haha..i will spend my time wif it n luv it very2 much..huaa...n become a great2 photographer...n i will capture the most beautiful photo..i think im not eligible to be a doctor either a scientist....i just want to use my ability in taking a photo n application it in my daily life which is to be a photographer but i have to think about my ambition which is not my ambition anymore now that is to be a gynecologist..haish..its hard to be that good but i must go for it...n 1 more thing look at on this photo..haha...i just want to mention that i really want the yamaha guitar as my birthday present..i dun
mind when can i get that guitar but as long as it becomes my surprise birthday can be me:) about actually had a big2 crushed on a girl that can play a guitar..once more i mention..a GIRL..n totally not a boy like the other girls out there had a biggest crushed my first impression..i think playing a guitar is very2 easy..hah..but then..when i played it..i felt like to wear gloves..its really2 pain..but then when i think come a person like man kidal n superpower girl, yuna can play it very well...i hope i can play guitar like was really2 awesome....n the next thing
that i wanna talk about is..........taraaaaaaaaaaa....see
that pic...haha..the pic is in manchester...which is the place that i really2 want to is situated in england,uk... n i really2 wish that i could sit on that red chair wearing the manchester united jersey n chew the double mint chewing gum n see the match n cheer when rooney make a goal....ohh...what a wonderful day...but.....its just a dream....n i really hope that one day i can watch manchester united match in old trafford stadium..amin..ohh...yaa...tgnku dh pnt mnekan butang2 yg brhuruf ni n ak harap la sgt2....ak akn dpt mnde yg ak idam2kn slame ni...actually,byk mls dh nk tulis..ketemu lagi dlm blog seterusnye..adios amigos...!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

jom berblog..!

BLOG..prkataan yg cukup ak tidak biase...rse2nye mcm x matang je nk wt blog dlm umo ak yg sbegini rupe..yelah..maybe org akn fikir yg umo n tahap pmikiran mcm ak ni msih terlalu mentah utk mmbikin sebuah blog n mnjdi blogger yg ala2 matang gtu jgn wt conclusion awal coz usia sperti ak yg hampir mnjangkau 17 ni akn menghakis conclusion tersebut n yg trsgt la pasti org trsebut bkn lah ak..ngeh3..oh yaa..mlalut lak dh ak ni,,haa..tujuan ak wt blog ni sbb sje2 mngisi waktu yg trlapang..yg actually x lpg lgsg coz byk tgunggjwb dpikul sbg seorg plaja,ank,kwn n hambaNYA..ouh ni ak wt coz nk share life seharian ak ngn blogger2 yg len tp ak x cte la sumenye...first of bkn la blog prtme ak coz ak dh try la wt blog sblm ak rse ak tidak bgus mnulis blog coz cm hambar je..well,ak dh kate..ak x ak still gak nk try...ehmm..ak rse smpai sni je kot ak tulis..xde idea la but dun worry,dri semase ke semase ak akn update blog ak n mnulis blog ni serta mnjdkannya menarik..semenarik utk semua org bce(cheh..mcm la dpt)..oh yaa..gmbr kt ats tuu ak yg tgkap..ngeh3..sje je nk mention..anyways,slamat berblog n adios amigos..!