Sunday, July 31, 2011

super thursday~

social studies!

salam semuaa
okay, the story begin like this, 
last thursday which is hari tu la kan
half of the class berhajat nk g perpustakaan negara(first time tuk aku)
goshh! mne kotak nk sorok muke ni.maluew~
yela, 18 tahun dok ulang alik kl perpustakaan negare kau tak pnh g.
cbe tnye mid, ts, pavi?
cpt je jwb pnh kan? HAHA. terase tak sape yg tak pnh g tu?
okay firstly, kteorg as usual naik teksi la pergi lrt BTR.
then naik lrt smpai titiwangsa.
ade part best mse naik teksi g national library tu.
kan farah, dila, and tyra kan?

p.s: aku tak tahu asl farah nk tgkp gmbr ni.mse ni dlm teksi. i didn't get the idea.

hahaha.part yg klaka tu mse tahu nme encik teksi tu assalamualaikum!
assalamualaikum pakcik assalamualaikum.
=_=' okay tak klaka ek?

then sampai2, mcm jakun sebentar.
serious jakun.
pergi ltk beg ape sume masuk and terus cri bku psl social studies.

eleh eleh, blakon.

wa ckp sama lu la kan, mmg pening.
dh la puase. ceh, alsn. (jgn tiru perangai ini)
then cari and cari and cari dpt la beberape ketul and fotostat ape sume.
sedeh gilaa mse tu sbb dlm dompet tggl seringgit.
mnebalkan muka meminjam duit org terlebih dhulu.(masuk bku 5 ye, eh bku 3 5.)

sy pening. **

dh gila ni.

masing2 dh pening nk mencari bebuku (buku-buku) lalu mmbuang mse begini.

hah, korg cube la cari.

mmbelek belek times

culture, culture, culture~

mereke jakun.

bukti ye kami pergi.

part menunggu teksi paling mnyesakkan.
dh la jln sedie sesak.

peak hour confirm2 la jam

teksi tanak amek penumpang plak.
serious mcm rejected gile je.

mcm mrempat pun ade

senyuman rempatan

pastu dh la lrt lg sesak nafas.
ngn pnyokong m'sianye.
mcm sardin

si mohawk

semakin lme semakin kami terperosok dlm bdn lrt ni. 

nk keluar mmg susah la kan.
and alhamdulillah,
selamat smpai dan selamat berbuke secare rasmi kt velo.
mkn mcm org gilaa.
tomyam, telur bungkus, kailan ikan masin, padprik
pastu jenjln kt downtown.
mmg adventure la hari khamis tu.

thats all for todayy.

thanks for reading guyss~

Friday, July 8, 2011



harini sekali lagi aku discover kebesaran Allah swt.
mmg sgt kagum and well, speechless.
its all about fibonacci series.
apekah itu?
kuih koci?
ehh,ape ni?
bkn bkn..
let's go through~

Allah has appointed a measure for all things. (Surat at-Talaq, 3)
… You will not find any flaw in the creation of the All-Merciful. Look again-do you see any gaps? Then look again and again. Your sight will return to you dazzled and exhausted! (Surat al-Mulk, 3-4)

setiap mende yang wujud ni Allah telah menetapkan ukurannya.
Ya Allah betape kerdilnye aku sbb selama 18 tahun aku belajar, this is the time i discovered all these.
serious rse meremang tu jgn ckp la, bkn mremang sbb tgk cite hantu malah meremang sbb rse kagum dgn Pencipta sekalian alam ni. Subhanallah.
try la search psl fibonacci series ni. mmg takleh tdo mlm la. pfftt tipu aku bru je tdo ptg td.hahaha.

Fibonacci numbers
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, …
Fibonacci numbers have an interesting property. When you divide one number in the sequence by the number before it, you obtain numbers very close to one another. In fact, this number is fixed after the 13th in the series. This number is known as the "golden ratio."

233 / 144 = 1.618
377 / 233 = 1.618
610 / 377 = 1.618
987 / 610 = 1.618
1597 / 987 = 1.618
2584 / 1597 = 1.618

these are the examples of fibonacci series. kebesaran Allah.

What do the pyramids in Egypt, Leonardo do Vinci's portrait of the Mona Lisa, sunflowers, the snail, the pine cone and your fingers all have in common?
The answer to this question lies hidden in a sequence of numbers discovered by the Italian mathematician Fibonacci. The characteristic of these numbers, known as the Fibonacci numbers, is that each one consists of the sum of the two numbers before it.

The Human Hand
Lift your hand from the computer mouse and look at the shape of your index finger. You will in all likelihood witness a golden proportion there.
Our fingers have three sections. The proportion of the first two to the full length of the finger gives the golden ratio (with the exception of the thumbs). You can also see that the proportion of the middle finger to the little finger is also a golden ratio. (4)
You have two hands, and the fingers on them consist of three sections. There are five fingers on each hand, and only eight of these are articulated according to the golden number: 2, 3, 5, and 8 fit the Fibonacci numbers.

The Golden Ratio in the Human Face
There are several golden ratios in the human face. Do not pick up a ruler and try to measure people's faces, however, because this refers to the "ideal human face" determined by scientists and artists.
For example, the total width of the two front teeth in the upper jaw over their height gives a golden ratio. The width of the first tooth from the centre to the second tooth also yields a golden ratio. These are the ideal proportions that a dentist may consider. Some other golden ratios in the human face are:
Length of face / width of face,
Distance between the lips and where the eyebrows meet / length of nose,
Length of face / distance between tip of jaw and where the eyebrows meet,
Length of mouth / width of nose,
Width of nose / distance between nostrils,
Distance between pupils / distance between eyebrows.

… Allah has appointed a measure for all things. (Surat at-Talaq, 3)
… Everything has its measure with Him. (Surat ar-Ra'd, 8)

kagum bukan?

bersyukurlah dengan ape yg anda ade. :)

yang benar,

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


hey readers and followers.
ah, berhabuk-sawang dh belog aku neh. tade mase nk update since dduk kt maktab ni.
line lembab and nk pkai b/band tak mampu lg, tggu kewangan stabil.

this entry comes in matured way.
not the new adibah but the different person in adibah.
not alien but herself.
the true adibah.

in her way finding life, she learnt many things to help her grown very up.
experience teach us to be more matured than we used to be.
its not easy to do some changes in our life instead you have a big big and strong strong feeling to change.
it's not easy to make people satisfied with you. 
nobody is perfect.
you're not an angel either a guardian.
people make mistakes neither do i.

life is full of answers waiting to be discovered.
we have some rules in life without we know.
if we feel the life, we can realize the rules.

these are the rules that i think masuk akal to accept it.
  1. do have fun but not too much
  2. never hurt people. IMPORTANT so people don't hate us
  3. never defeat
  4. strive and fight for happiness and avoid the over sadness.
life is all about the top to the bottom.

if in the science field we discover and learn from the bottom to the top parts of the body,
same goes to life.
from babies until our last breathe, 
we still have a life. (wth that i'm talking about?)
i mean we still do our job and be responsible to the religion and our country.
people colour our lives.
so let's colour people's lives too.

the rule that i love the most is
don't hurt people's feeling.
it's painful and so hurt deep inside your heart even we don't see it through our face.
next, in our way to find what is life about, don't forget to be grateful and always pray to our Creator,Allah swt.

don't forget Him as He never forget us. 
in our way to find life, we can see and found the answer in Islam.
in order to remind people, i'd love to remind myself too.
24434-what is it?

do not be so desperate in life.
patience is something difficult and sometimes we have to do something desperate to forget it.
do not desperate to find a new love, a new thing, a new branded thing, a new gucci, oppss, a new shoes, until we lost something precious in our lives.
what are the precious things in your live?
ask youself.

last but not least,
have you found your love life?

tulus ikhlas,
adibah zulkefli.