Friday, April 29, 2011

miss RINDU~(edisi bkn dilamun cinta, tp hanya rindu di hati)

okay, entry ni sangat mushy lovey dovey but not about chop, actually about it.yelah, love itu sangat besar and terbahagi kepade beberape subjek.whateva.
title entry tersebut menceritakan mood sy skrg ni.rindu kpd situation, moments and person apetah lagi.bkn dilamun cinta TAPI hati sgt merindui.SUMPAH i said even org kate sumpah tu tak tak baik ke kte sumpah rindukan teman-teman?umur makin mningkat and sume org dh wat hal masing2.and i love to say here,people changed.aku lagi ske la waktu sekolah than waktu dh habis sekolah.sesibuk mne pun time sekolah,still ade mse nk jumpe and lepaks ngn mase yg dh hbes skul and sume org tnm anggur ni, punya la pyh nk jmpe.why?ask yourself la kawan.ade sedikit (sentuhan)touching di sini.and honestly i say, I LOVE BEING WITH YOU ALL.yes, i meant it. korg. ble lagi kte dpt camnie???

rindu waktu kurus.teheee ;p

rindu nk sambut birthday org

rindu nk photoshoot

and menggilaa

rindu nk g kl same-same and tertinggal bas.hihihi

rindu main boling sesame

rindu ini bowling place srupe mcm pub

rindu orang blanje subway

rindu aimi.opps, die dh tanak kawan aku.sobb :(

rindu die jgk :)

fatimah zara.die ni datang lipis tanak jenguk aku kt raub.takpe.

rindu his camera which ade lens baru tp tak pnh dpt main

rindu this happy moment

rindu abg kantin.haha

rindu my bff yg sgt sibuk.(wanita bekerjaya la katekan)


sorry, it has been removed.tq.

see?sume tu aku rindu kan?but,ade lagi ke waktu nk hang out cenggini?saperti terasing layaknya.but well, dlm kesibukan aku and korang, tak lupe utk aku doakan kejayaan korg kelak.and...



p.s : kepade yg tade gmbr, or tak dimentionkan name tu, no offense, no hard feeling, no heart feeling okay guys?thanks for being my great superb all.thanks to all my loyal readers jgk.chiao
adibah zulkefli.
luahan isi perut di mlm hari

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


rasuk?wth?ape yg kau cuba maksudkan ni?dalam konteks ni, bkn dirasuk hantu.tetapi dirasuk pelbagai kerja yg byk hingga serabut kepala.maaf cikgu su, pembendaharaan kata yg sgt tak btul and tatabahasa yg terang-terangn salah.whateva.this month can be the most busy and important month for me.

interview here and there.first interview at ndu(upnm).pergh!mmg byk dugaan la kan selangkah ke sana.last minute baru perasan nk surat sokongan sekolah.bullsit adibah!how come tak perasan.then,dgn muka tebalnye g skul AND.......!kne marah.mmg sentap di kala itu.but, well at least mental and physically dh prepare la kononnye nk berhadapan ngn askar.tgk2 bmi tak cukup.haha..kurus sgt kah aku?so, dgn hampanya aku tarik diri sbb tanak g yg awam. :)
so, impian hanya tinggal impian nk jd siska(siswa kadet) di upnm.tak dapat la nk ikut jejak my brother.tak de rezeki, i'll try the next interview for maktab.moga2, pray for me.adios amigos guyss.

kapt mohd syafiq

p.s:u oll best!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

my heart , soul. all begin HERE.

hype all.
since i have alot lot lot time to write nope, type actually.
i have a nice story to share with.
its all about my kampung! i mean village.
its popular among the people that loved history. very much.
here it is

pintu gerbang.kampung kau ade? ahaha
and let me introduce you some more  about sungai lembing

map of sungai lembing

Sungai Lembing is a tin mining town 42 km northwest of Kuantan in Pahang, Malaysia. Lembing is Malay for spear, and "sungai" means river. Per local legend, the local ruler saw a vision of a spear in the nearby river and thus named his town after this vision.

Until the 1970s, Sungai Lembing was a major producer of underground tin. Sungai Lembing town developed in the 1880's when the British set up the tin mining industry, although the history of mining in this area extends much further back. From 1891, the Pahang Consolidated Company Limited, (PCCL), which was under British control, had a 77-year lease to mine the area. PCCL managed the mine from 1906 until its liquidation in 1986 when world tin prices collapsed.

historical place. Just skeletal remains of the huge mine buildings. thanks to the model. :)

The pit mines were closed in 1986 due to high operational costs and low yields, but during their heyday they were among the largest and deepest in the world. The total tunnel length is 322 km, with a depth of between 610 m and 700 m. A museum highlighting the tin mining industry was opened in 2003. The museum is housed in an old bungalow once used by the mine manager. The museum houses a collection of mining artifacts.

hah!kampung korg ade muzium ke?(angkat2 kening)hehe

Today the town of Sg Lembing is in decline although it was once the richest town in Pahang, known as El Dorado of the East. In the 1940's about 1400 people worked in the mine. Today many of the wooden shoplots are closed and people are moving away. The town straddles the river, and the main street on the right bank is split by an avenue of majestic trees. At the end, an old wooden building overlooks the padang where games of cricket and other social activities were held.

bukit panorama
gua charas there.
this mountain is suit for those who loved photography very much!
for those yg dh pergi, mmg best kan korg?
yg len nnt nk g, you can contact me here 01errr...

my masterpiece.not DSLR'S job. :)

Nearby Sungai Lembing is Bukit Panorama, which is a popular place to watch the sunrise. 16 km from Sg. Lembing is Gunung Tapis Nature Park, where one can camp, fish, and shoot the rapids. Gunung Tapis itself is 1,512 m high. On the way to Sg. Lembing at the hamlet of Panching is Gua Charas, a temple cave that is a popular tourist destination, also Sungai Pandan Waterfall, which is 29 km from Kuantan.

and also here

sungai rimau(don't ask me why its named sungai rimau)
air tak sebatu-batu pulau chekas but safe for us.jamin laa!
tmpt jatuh lagikan terkenang, inikan pula tmpt bermandi.haha

lawa bukan?

 photoshoot hari raye kteorg sangat lah gempak. siap ade outdoor photoshoot lagi!

lompat! yeay! we love our village!(kunun)

 looks foggy-foggy. this is afternoon okay. sumpah tak tipu

p.s: sape tak pergi mmg rugi. that's why i love my kampung very much! muaahh! xoxoxo

Saturday, April 2, 2011

tulis tulis

hai hello hai.

salam 1 malaysia! sila jwb malaysia boleh!
today the thing that i want to share here is what is crochet?

this is crochet.

certain org mmg tak berminat la ngn mntang ni.

esp kaum adam. 
yela kait mengait ni mmg pmpuan je ske.
aku ske but not for me to belajar it.
mak buatkan.
ahaks.. saya bukan anak manjeww..
actually, idea ni dtg drpd mak.
tak sangke mak ni sgt creative rupenye.
maybe i mewarisi lot.
bunge2 chumil tu selepas dikait, akan dijadikan brooch.
bg sy ang kakak sy yg dipanggil yong, kami tidak perlu beli di kedai.

yong: eh, mak kait bunge baru la.
saya: chop! bibi nak! tak kire tak kire!
yong: sharing is caring

thats why i love my mum. she knows everything that i want and sumtimes not.hehe.
and once again

thanks for reading.much much thanks.

p.s: sape bace die always best in my heart. sentap gitu. <3 k.o.r.a.n.g(pinjam jap emi.)hakhak

i'm 18!

raub to kuantan

hye there.
okay harini i want to tell you a story about a journey that can make me feel ADIBAH, YOU ARE 18!
haha..mesti korang rse nk ckp cmnie kan: eleh, dibah..perasan.mcm aku tak pnh mcm tu.
eleh, stakat tu aku tak heran pun, aku pnh buat sblm umur aku 18!cheiit!
tak kesah la kan.
but today, i felt that i proud of myself.seriously!
okay, the story begin.
u know what? aku nek bas kul 9 smpai kuantan kul gle kan?
tak pnh journey aku ke kuantan akan memakan mse 6 jam gitu!
g gua musang pun lg dekat!ahaha.
ni sume sbb pakcik bas tu byk pit stop mrate tmpt.aku mls la lyn kan.tdo je memanjang.
mmg pns hati la nk ckp kan.but whatever~
then smpai lapar.haha..mmg tahap smpai menggigil la kan.
pastu nek teksi blek umh.uisshh..
2 gadis nek teksi.mungkin mnjd mgsa penipuan kelak.
aku rse ye.
12 hengget! cm tak msuk akal je.
dh la tak pkai meter!
then smpai2 bli mknan.
sbb makteh tade.
kalo tak bleh mkn sdp2..huu

yeay! nasik ayemm!(tp tak sesedap mak pali punye!)

air kelape juge~~

pastu blek umh melantak la ape lagi.
and i think it enough here.
tak la adventure sgt kot...?was it?
haha..see you next entry.

thanksbye! :)

p.s: sape bace die best! yabedabedoo~