Saturday, April 2, 2011

tulis tulis

hai hello hai.

salam 1 malaysia! sila jwb malaysia boleh!
today the thing that i want to share here is what is crochet?

this is crochet.

certain org mmg tak berminat la ngn mntang ni.

esp kaum adam. 
yela kait mengait ni mmg pmpuan je ske.
aku ske but not for me to belajar it.
mak buatkan.
ahaks.. saya bukan anak manjeww..
actually, idea ni dtg drpd mak.
tak sangke mak ni sgt creative rupenye.
maybe i mewarisi lot.
bunge2 chumil tu selepas dikait, akan dijadikan brooch.
bg sy ang kakak sy yg dipanggil yong, kami tidak perlu beli di kedai.

yong: eh, mak kait bunge baru la.
saya: chop! bibi nak! tak kire tak kire!
yong: sharing is caring

thats why i love my mum. she knows everything that i want and sumtimes not.hehe.
and once again

thanks for reading.much much thanks.

p.s: sape bace die always best in my heart. sentap gitu. <3 k.o.r.a.n.g(pinjam jap emi.)hakhak


  1. mak!!..mak mmg class la!!..fiwitt!!
    mesti nak ade name aku..
    fofular la katekan

  2. beb dis thing must be sell...bley wat duit dow..nti bkak klas dgn ur mom...i nk blaja mom ader pengait tu blik cpt sket so bley bkak klas dgn PUAN ZAITON

  3. eeii, slh eje name my mom!takleh blaja!ahaha
