keboom! dub dab. saya takut.

tehee..lawa tak.hekhek.
setiap yg hidup, pasti akan mati.anda takut mati?semua pun knp wujud pengebom brani mati?well,whatever.i'm starting to talk nonsense ye just now.okay,tomorrow(23th march 2011) is going to be the saddest or happiest day for all spm candidates of 2010.since moe dh maju, they all ade plak wat sistem check result spm gne sms.sape yg tkot ngn sekeping result tu, silalah gne teknologi tersebut.tak tau la kan bpe they all tolak kedit nnt. don't be tangkai jering.tak tau plak lps ni nnt korang akan fobia ngn phone plak.actually, bila dh tolak, campur, darab, bahagi sume.aku rse cukup kot for this entry.mak suro pasang ubat nyamuk.ngee~~good luck you all.
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